Community Portal

Ramiro Schiavo
Ramiro Schiavo
  • RamiroSchiavo
  • Signed up 5 years, 5 months ago
  • Last seen 1 year, 1 month ago

Ramiro is a dentist (postgraduate Orthodontic) and a student of Political Science (Bachelor's degree) at the National University of the Patagonia San Juan Bosco. He is interested in looking for a connection between society and avant-garde urban structures, such as urban metabolism for this XXI century.

Completed tasks

Date Task Project Points
Aug 08, 2020 Process shapefile
Administrative subdivision of Spain
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Jul 01, 2020 Define what kinds of events to include
Metabolism of Cities 5
Jul 02, 2020 Review Social Media images: Contributor Series
Metabolism of Cities 2
Aug 25, 2020 Process shapefile
Córdoba city boundaries
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aug 25, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Ciudad Rosario-Prov.Santa Fe-MoC
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Aug 26, 2020 Shapefile uploaded to the library
Ciudad de Rosario (Prov. Santa Fe)
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aug 27, 2020 Shapefile uploaded to the library
Limites Ciudad Rosario
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aug 28, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Ciudad de Rosario (Prov. Santa Fe)
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 17, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 21, 2020 Upload new data visualisations
Metabolism of Cities 2
Jun 17, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 01, 2020 Document uploaded to the library
Gestión de Residuos
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 01, 2020 Webpage uploaded to the library
Anuario de Población y Estadísticas Vitales
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 01, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Centro de Información Económica. Indicador Mensual de Facturación Junio/2020
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 01, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Censado de árboles-Rosario
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 01, 2020 Webpage uploaded to the library
Clima y temperaturas promedio
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 01, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
La notable infraestructura portuaria del gran Rosario, uno de los pilares uno de los pilares del desarrollo económico argentino
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 01, 2020 Webpage uploaded to the library
Terminal Puerto de Rosario- Prov. de Santa Fe
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 01, 2020 Webpage uploaded to the library
Hoteles en Rosario
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 17, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 02, 2020 Webpage uploaded to the library
Registros Pluviométricos
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 02, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Cuadro de barras de lluvia de Rosario
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 02, 2020 Thesis uploaded to the library
Título: “Relevamiento Planialtimétrico para el estudio de un sector de la cuenca de la laguna Melincué”
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Book uploaded to the library
Aguas Subterráneas y Superficiales de la Provincia de Santa fe
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Webpage uploaded to the library
Centro de Gestión Integral de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Webpage uploaded to the library
Agricultura Urbana
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Map uploaded to the library
Agroindustrias y jardines Huertas.
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Estadísticas mensuales-Prov. de Santa fe
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Biocombustibles: Balance energético y efecto sobre el medio ambiente
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Webpage uploaded to the library
Pesca Artesanal
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Webpage uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Tratamiento de líquidos cloacales. Lagunas de Estabilización.
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 08, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Inventario de gases de efecto invernadero
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 08, 2020 Webpage uploaded to the library
Inventario de Gases de Efecto Invernadero
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 08, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en Rosario según sector (en %)
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Sep 08, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
GEI- Inventario de gases d efecto invernadero
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 09, 2020 Webpage uploaded to the library
Descripción resumida del Humedal
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 09, 2020 Webpage uploaded to the library
Transporte Urbano de Pasajeros
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 09, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Exportaciones e importaciones por Aduana de la ciudad de Rosario
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 09, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Censo arbolado
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 09, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Ficha Técnica arbolado
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 09, 2020 Webpage uploaded to the library
Rosario, ciudad verde
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 12, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Indicación de facturación mensual de la ciudad de Rosario junio/2020
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 12, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Pesca Artesanal
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 12, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Pesca Artesanal
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 14, 2020 Journal Article uploaded to the library
Extracción de Nutrientes en la Agricultura Argentina
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 15, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Políticas Públicas Urbanas e Instrumentos de Regulación en la ciudad de Rosario
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 15, 2020 Shapefile uploaded to the library
Ciudad de Rosario (Prov. Santa Fe) archivos Shapefile.
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Sep 15, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
La construcción en Rosario
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 15, 2020 Webpage uploaded to the library
Centro de Distribución Eléctrica San Martín
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 15, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Centro de Distribución Eléctrica San Martín
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 15, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Censos de volumen y composición vehicular realizados en 2018
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Sep 15, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Estadísticas de la flota del transporte urbano de pasajeros
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Sep 15, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Estadísticas del Servicio de Taxi
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Sep 15, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Censos de volumen y composición vehicular
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Sep 15, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Subdivision de la Tierra
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Sep 15, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Contenedores de residuos domiciliarios
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Sep 15, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Islas de separación de residuos
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Sep 15, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Islas del Paraná
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Sep 15, 2020 Webpage uploaded to the library
Planta depuradora de líquidos cloacales (proyecto).
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 15, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Nueva Estructura Comercial en el Gran Rosario. Impactos de las grandes superficies.
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 16, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Plan Nacional de Agua Potable y Saneamiento
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 16, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Encuesta Ganadera por localidad.
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Sep 16, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Permisos de Edificación Mensual. Departamento Rosario. Año 2015
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Sep 16, 2020 Webpage uploaded to the library
Estadística de la Construcción en Rosario.(pagina Web)
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 16, 2020 Thesis uploaded to the library
Optimización del rédito de la actividad pesquera en Puerto Aragón, mediante la inserción de una cooperativa de trabajo que opere con herramienta de comercio justo.
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 17, 2020 Document uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 19, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Puerto de Rosario
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 19, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Actividad portuaria de la provincia de Santa Fe.
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 20, 2020 Thesis uploaded to the library
Sector pesquero de Rosario, Argentina: Aportes del enfoque de la psicodinámica del trabajo para el abordaje de sus problemáticas.
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 08, 2019 Process shapefile
Wind turbines list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
May 06, 2019 Upload a dataset to the inventory
Airports list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
May 06, 2019 Process shapefile
Airports list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aug 06, 2019 Upload a dataset to the inventory
Ports list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Aug 06, 2019 Process shapefile
Ports list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aug 06, 2019 Upload a dataset to the inventory
Lighthouses list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Aug 06, 2019 Process shapefile
Lighthouses list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aug 07, 2019 Upload a dataset to the inventory
Bus stops list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Aug 07, 2019 Process shapefile
Bus stops list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aug 07, 2019 Upload a dataset to the inventory
Fuel storage facilities list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Aug 07, 2019 Process shapefile
Fuel storage facilities list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aug 07, 2019 Upload a dataset to the inventory
Waste transfer station list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Aug 07, 2019 Process shapefile
Waste transfer station list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aug 07, 2019 Upload a dataset to the inventory
Power plants list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Aug 07, 2019 Process shapefile
Power plants list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aug 08, 2019 Upload a dataset to the inventory
Wind turbines list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Nov 22, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Terminal de Omnibus
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Aug 28, 2020 Process shapefile
Capas SIG - Geomorfología - Cordillera - Polígono
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Nov 22, 2020 GPS Coordinates uploaded to the library
Puerto de Rosario
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Nov 22, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Terminal de Omnibus
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Nov 22, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Puerto de Rosario
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Nov 22, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Aeropuerto de Rosario
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Nov 22, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Puerto de Rosario
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Nov 22, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Aeropuerto de Rosario
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Nov 22, 2020 GPS Coordinates uploaded to the library
Aeropuerto de Rosario
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Nov 22, 2020 GPS Coordinates uploaded to the library
Puerto de Rosario
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Nov 22, 2020 GPS Coordinates uploaded to the library
Terminal de Ómnibus de Rosario
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Nov 22, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Puerto de Rosario (dataset)
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Jun 25, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 25, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 07, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 08, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Comodoro Rivadavia
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 08, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Monumento al Inca, Plaza de armas.Cuzco.
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 08, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 08, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Plaza de armas de Andahuaylas
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 08, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 09, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 09, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Santísima Trinidad de Huancayo
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 09, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 09, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 10, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 10, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Kitigan Zibi
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 10, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Catedral Metropolitana de León
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 10, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Catedrald de Lima
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 10, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 10, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Maratha Palace, Vadodara.
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 10, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Stockholm City Hall, Stockholm, Sweden.
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 10, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Place du parlement de Bretagne in Rennes (France)
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 10, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 10, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 13, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Allianz Arena - Munich
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 13, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 13, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús, Plaza de Armas, Cusco, Perú
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 13, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 13, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 14, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 14, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
León, México.
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 14, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 14, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 14, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 14, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 14, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 14, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 25, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 15, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 15, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 15, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Ciudad del Carmen
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 15, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 02, 2021 Add missing photos to cities in the data hub
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 10
Jun 16, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jun 16, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
City of London
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Total 543

Ongoing work

Task Project Status
Corn project: prepare presentation for city 2 Metabolism of Cities Data Hub In Progress
Process a dataset
Anuario de Población y Estadísticas Vitales
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub In Progress
Process dataset
Emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en Rosario según sector (en %)
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub In Progress
Process dataset
Puerto de Rosario (dataset)
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub In Progress
Process dataset
Aeropuerto de Rosario
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub In Progress
Process dataset
Puerto de Rosario
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub In Progress
Process dataset
Terminal de Omnibus
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub In Progress
Process dataset
Encuesta Ganadera por localidad.
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub In Progress
Process shapefile
Ciudad de Rosario (Prov. Santa Fe)
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub In Progress