Community Portal

Anne Ventura
Anne Ventura
  • Signed up 4 years, 5 months ago
  • Last seen 8 months ago

1996: master in physico-chemistry applied to biotechnology (University of Nantes)
2001: PhD in process engineering for wastewater treatment (AgroParistech formerly INAP-G)
2002: researcher at Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées
2013: head of chaire of civil engieering and ecoconstruction at University of Nantes, GEM laboratory
2016: researcher at University Gustave Eiffel (formerly IFSTTAR)
2023: research director at University Gustave Eiffel

Research interests

Methodological aspects of Life Cycle Assessment

Completed tasks

Date Task Project Points
Jul 02, 2020 Journal Article uploaded to the library
Material-intensity database of residential buildings: A case-study of Sweden in the international context
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Jul 02, 2020 Thesis uploaded to the library
The material dimension of urbanization: flows and stocks of construction materials in Ile-de-France region
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Jul 02, 2020 Journal Article uploaded to the library
Modeling material flows and stocks of the road network in the United States 1905–2015
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Jul 02, 2020 Journal Article uploaded to the library
Taking Stock of Built Environment Stock Studies: Progress and Prospects
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Total 16