Community Portal

Keily Mena Alfaro
Keily Mena Alfaro
  • Signed up 4 years, 2 months ago
  • Last seen 3 years, 1 month ago

Completed tasks

Date Task Project Points
Aug 18, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Nov 23, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Extracción Pesca
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Nov 23, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Nov 23, 2020 Webpage uploaded to the library
Artesanías alajueliteñas se unen a Festival Folclórico
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Nov 23, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Fabricación productos minerales no metálicos
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Nov 23, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Fabricación: maquinaria, equipo y otros productos metálicos
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Nov 23, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Fabricación metales básicos
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Nov 23, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Nov 23, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Nov 23, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Fabricación productos derivados del petróleo
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Nov 23, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Fabricación productos de caucho
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Nov 23, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Fabricación vehículos
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Nov 23, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Fabricación electrónica
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Nov 23, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Fabricación de madera
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 28, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Acueducto Periurbano El Llano de Alajuelita
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 28, 2020 Webpage uploaded to the library
Recicladora San Miguel
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 28, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Almacenamiento Bodegas
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 28, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Supermercados, distribuidores mayoristas, mercados de productos
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 28, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Línea SAN JOSÉ - ALAJUELITA - SAN FELIPE de autobús horarios y paradas
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 28, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Línea SAN JOSÉ - ALAJUELITA - LA AURORA de autobús horarios y paradas
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 28, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Línea SAN JOSÉ - ALAJUELITA - TEJARCILLOS de autobús horarios y paradas
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 28, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Línea SAN JOSÉ - ALAJUELITA - EL LLANO de autobús horarios y paradas
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 28, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Línea SAN JOSÉ - ALAJUELITA - CONCEPCIÓN de autobús horarios y paradas
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 28, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Línea SAN JOSÉ - ALAJUELITA - FILTROS de autobús horarios y paradas
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 21, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Fabricación papel
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 21, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Fabricación productos químicos
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 12, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Fabricación productos plásticos
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 11, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Fabricación de muebles
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 11, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Fabricación de textiles y confección
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 11, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Producción de Bebidas
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 11, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Productos alimenticios
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 11, 2020 Journal Article uploaded to the library
Pura Vida Mountain View Vacations Rentals
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 11, 2020 Journal Article uploaded to the library
Villas Cedros
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 10, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Bares y Restaurantes por distrito
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 10, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Bares y Restaurantes por distrito
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 10, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Licencias de bares y restaurantes en el cantón de Alajuelita
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 07, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Reglamento de Biocombustibles líquidos y sus mezclas
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Sep 07, 2020 Map uploaded to the library
Planta de energía fotovoltaica solar en el Cantón de Alajuelita
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 07, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Planta de energía fotovoltaica solar en el Cantón de Alajuelita
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 07, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Informe sobre la auditoria operativa acerca de la capacidad operativa, desempeño y el mantenimiento de las subestaciones eléctricas
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 07, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
El Plan de Expansión de Transmisión 2017-2027
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 07, 2020 Journal Article uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 07, 2020 Journal Article uploaded to the library
Nuevo puente permite servicio de bus en La Verbena
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 07, 2020 Journal Article uploaded to the library
Alajuelita con nuevo puente En quebrada Patalillo, Concepción
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 07, 2020 Journal Article uploaded to the library
Culmina la construcción de las instalaciones del Colegio Técnico Profesional de Alajuelita
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 07, 2020 Journal Article uploaded to the library
Mora y Alajuelita lideran crecimiento en construcción residencial
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 06, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Alajuelita: Informe Cantonal de Población y Vivienda
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Sep 06, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Gráfico 34. Tenencia de la vivienda, asentamientos informales, 2011 Gráfico 35. Tenencia de la vivienda, asentamientos “formales”, 2011
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 06, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Gráfico 28. Destino de la obra residencial, Costa Rica, San José, Alajuelita y sus distritos, 2000-2013
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 06, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Gráfico 25. Cantidad de permisos de construcción residencial en los distritos de Alajuelita, 2000-2013
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 06, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Datos de permisos de construcción residencial Costa Rica, San José, Alajuelita y sus distritos, 2000-2013
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 06, 2020 Map uploaded to the library
Zonificación Alajuelita
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 06, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Total de fincas con cultivo de tomate por extensión sembrada y cosechada en hectáreas según provincia y cantón
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 06, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Total de fincas con cultivo de plátano por extensión sembrada y en edad de producción en hectáreas según provincia y cantón, 2014
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 06, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Total de fincas con cultivo de naranja por extensión sembrada y en edad de producción en hectáreas y cantidad de plantas dispersas según provincia y cantón
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 06, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Total de fincas con cultivo de mango por extensión sembrada y en edad de producción en hectáreas según provincia y cantón, 2014
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 06, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Total de fincas con cultivo de maíz por extensión sembrada y cosechada en hectáreas según provincia y cantón, 2014
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 06, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Total de fincas con cultivo de lechuga por extensión sembrada y cosechada en hectáreas según provincia y cantón
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 06, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Total de fincas con cultivo de frijol por extensión sembrada y cosechada en hectáreas según provincia y cantón, 2014
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 06, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Total de fincas con cultivo de ciprés por extensión sembrada y en edad de producción en hectáreas y cantidad de plantas dispersas según provincia y cantón
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 06, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Total de fincas con cultivo de chile por extensión sembrada y cosechada en hectáreas según provincia y cantón
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 06, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Total de fincas con cultivo de cebolla por extensión sembrada y cosechada en hectáreas según provincia y cantón
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 06, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Total de fincas con cultivo de caña de azúcar por extensión sembrada y en edad de producción en hectáreas según provincia y cantón
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 06, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Total de fincas con cultivo de café por extensión sembrada y en edad de producción en hectáreas según provincia y cantón
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 06, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Total de fincas con cultivo de banano por extensión sembrada y en edad de producción en hectáreas y cantidad de plantas dispersas según provincia y cantón
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 06, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Total de fincas con cultivo de aguacate por extensión sembrada y en edad de producción en hectáreas y cantidad de plantas dispersas según provincia y cantón
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 06, 2020 GPS Coordinates uploaded to the library
Agricultura en Alajuelita
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 06, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Agricultura en Alajuelita
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 06, 2020 Map uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 06, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
45 productores de Alajuelita inaugurarán mercado este domingo
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 06, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
45 productores de Alajuelita inaugurarán mercado este domingo
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 06, 2020 Map uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 06, 2020 Map uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 06, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 06, 2020 Map uploaded to the library
Mapa de Zonificación del Uso de Suelo
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
El clima promedio en Alajuelita Costa Rica
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Sep 03, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
El clima promedio en Alajuelita Costa Rica
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Sep 03, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Calidad Microbiológica de las Fuentes de Agua Cruda de las 25 Plantas de Tratamiento de Agua Potable en CR 96-02
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Sep 03, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Diagnóstico Socio Ambiental y Económico de la Zona Protectora Cerros de Escazú
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Map uploaded to the library
Tipo de acuíferos de la ZPCE
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Tipo de acuíferos de la ZPCE. Fuente: PRUGAM, Atlas ITCR, 2014
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Map uploaded to the library
Hidrología de la Zona Protectora de los Cerros de Escazú.
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Zonas de Vida presentes en la Zona Protectora Cerros de Escazú
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Diagnóstico Socio Ambiental y Económico de la Zona Protectora de los Cerros de Escazú
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Map uploaded to the library
Zonas Protectoras - Plan GAM 2013
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Journal Article uploaded to the library
Crear corredor biológico para proteger naturaleza entre Curridabat y Santa Ana, propone Alcalde ​Abarcaría los cantones de Curridabat, Desamparados, Aserrí, Alajuelita, Escazú y Santa Ana
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Journal Article uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Journal Article uploaded to the library
Ministerio de Ambiente creará nueva categoría de área protegida para bosques urbanos
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Evaluación de un protocolo de reforestación para la rehabilitación y mantenimiento
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Thesis uploaded to the library
Evaluación de un protocolo de reforestación para la rehabilitación y mantenimiento en áreas de protección de la Subregión de San José, de la Gran Área Metropolitana
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Journal Article uploaded to the library
Construyen vivero para ayudar a reforestar al cantón
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Journal Article uploaded to the library
300 árboles nativos adornan intersección de la radial Alajuelita
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Map uploaded to the library
Órdenes de Suelo en Costa Rica
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Map uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Map uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Book uploaded to the library
EL Mapa de Suelos de Costa Rica
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 01, 2020 Map uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 01, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Tipos de suelos en Alajuelita
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 31, 2020 Shapefile uploaded to the library
Alajuelita, cantón y distritos
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aug 26, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Construcción de viviendas y apartamentos por número de permisos, número de viviendas, área en metros cuadrados y valor en miles de colones según provincia, cantón y grupos de área en metros cuadrados
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 26, 2020 Document uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 26, 2020 Document uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 26, 2020 Document uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 26, 2020 Document uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 26, 2020 Document uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 26, 2020 Document uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 26, 2020 Document uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 26, 2020 Document uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 26, 2020 Document uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 24, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Aug 24, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Estadísticas demográficas. 2000 – 2011. Estimaciones nacionales. Población total estimada al 30 de junio por grupos de edades, según provincia, cantón
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Aug 24, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Censo. 2011. Indicadores demográficos y sociales.
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Aug 24, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Cruz de Alajuelita
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 24, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Cerro San Miguel
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 24, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Alajuelita desde lo alto
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 25, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Costa Rica Mapas de Pobreza 2011
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 25, 2020 Webpage uploaded to the library
Índice de Desarrollo Humano
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 25, 2020 Webpage uploaded to the library
Último lugar en el Indicé de Desarrollo Humano
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 25, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Patentes (comercios) Alajuelita
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Aug 25, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Zonificación Alajuelita
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Total 454